I’m trying to do in C ++ seemingly easier. Create a function as “CopyProceduralMeshFromStaticMeshComponent” giving input other ProceduralMeshComponent. Any idea. We were thankful. Remembering we do not want to reference the other half of the proceduralmesh but a new piece no parent.
So, can you share your solution? This is marked as the correct answer, but there is no answer at all. People who are having the same problem still read this thread. Thanks for help!
I created a function inside UE4, because some variables needed was private in
that time, don´t know in new versions, without access by the project. I try pull request but not accepted. The solution code for me:
Create a function inside ProceduralMeshComponent.cpp
So I have my blueprint with ProceduralMeshComponent. I build this one and I send into the function and the new piece to get my blueprint with a new part of sliced object.