Any way to split a string?

Does the string type have any built in Split() functionality?

Hi Root,

Good question, splitting strings is not mentioned on the string docā€¦

Itā€™s mentioned that strings are ā€˜literalsā€™ (fixed values), so I think the path forward might involve working directly with arrays of chars.

I noticed some array functions transfer to stringā€¦ which isnā€™t surprising. But I actually donā€™t see many string functions at all hmm

Iā€™ve added a snippet for one here. Wonā€™t be 100% most optimal but probably not awful. You can use it like this:

SplitResult1 := "string,to,split".Split(",") # ["string", "to", "split"]
SplitResult2 := "123".Split("") # ["1", "2", "3"]

Nice. I wrote a pretty full set of string functions but didnā€™t do ā€œSplitā€. I need to look over them again and post them as snippets.

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I had already written one as well (only tested with a few test-cases):

    SplitString(StVal: string, Delimiter: char): []string =
        var Words : []string = array{}
        var Word : string = ""
        var Val: string = StVal + "{Delimiter}"
        for (Index := 0..Val.Length):
            if (Val[Index] <> Delimiter):
                if (Letter := Val[Index]):
                    set Word += "{Letter}"
                if (Word.Length <> 0):
                    set Words = Words + array{Word}
                set Word = ""
        return Words

and call like this:

        # Test split string:
        var SText : string = "test, string,wow, commas"
        var Result : []string = SplitString(SText, ',')
        for (Item : Result):

This is fine and all, but thereā€™s tons of built-in string methods that I really like to use in in most well known languages. Hopefully verse authors add this in the future.

Itā€™s not that I canā€™t code itā€¦ Itā€™s more that I would rather have trivial things like this added into the standard library.

But then again, I guess string handling isnā€™t necessarily that important for game Devs :smiley:


Do you trim spaces (i.e., is the fourth element of your resulting test array " commas" or ā€œcommasā€)?

Probably not worth dealing with, since itā€™s for game development. Itā€™s too easy getting sucked into system development when we need to focus on game development!

Ah it keeps the spacesā€¦ good call should probably fix that. And it only splits on one ā€˜charā€™ and not a string of length >= 1. So maybe itā€™s not so good haha. But yeah Iā€™m hoping they expand on there standard library and release a runtime soon.

EDIT: Actually keeping spaces there when splitting on a comma is the expected behavior for most similar functionsā€¦ python for example:

$ python
Python 3.10.7 (tags/v3.10.7:6cc6b13, Sep  5 2022, 14:08:36) [MSC v.1933 64 bit (
AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 'test, string,wow, commas'.split(',')
['test', ' string', 'wow', ' commas']

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If I was doing system development, Iā€™d add an optional ā€˜bTrimā€™ parameter, but we are just making games, so itā€™s probably not worth it.

Also, a lot of languages have some kind of Map function so that you could apply Trim on the resulting array.