My entire map is randomly generated and part of my map is outdoors while another part is in a cave. I want to add some reverb effect to the cave and my understanding is in order to do that I need to first add an Audio Volume component.
My problem is that the only way I can figure how to add an audio volume is by dragging and dropping in the level viewport which won’t work for my map, I need to spawn one in at the right location and scale. Is this even possible?
I’ve also tried dropping one in my level from the viewport and then casting to it to change it’s location and scale but I can’t figure out what goes in the object reference of the cast.
Right-click in the blueprint to bring up the context menu
Do you see an option at the top of the context menu that says something to the effect of “Add reference to [audio volume]”…where [audio volume] is the name of the audio volume you selected in the viewport?
Negative. I also tried selecting it from the viewport Outliner and dragging it into the level blueprint but that didn’t work either. I thought that sometimes works but apparently not.
This dang Audio Volume really wants to stay away from my blueprint.
No, I had to use a cheap workaround because I couldn’t figure it out. It probably won’t work for you because what I did depends on the kind of map you’re generating, but hopefully you can alter this in a way that suits you.
All I did was to just place the Audio Volume component into the map the usual way (in the viewport, NOT during runtime). Then I just scaled it way huge on the X and Y, and dragged it below the ground on my map. It worked for me so that everything beneath ground level was inside of it, then no matter where the cave spawned or how large it was, it would be inside the Audio Volume Component and nothing else would be.
Hopefully you can use a similar workaround. And sorry for the 9 month delay, I try to respond fashionably late.