Any way to remove collisions on playset props?

The blimp playset has really bad built-in collisions, so I have been adding my own using invisible barriers. No problem there, but there are sections where I need to remove their collisions. When I set a prop’s physics to “No Collision” it looks like it works, but when you test the level or reload the island the the collision is back. It looks like it is part of the building process. My second effort was to grab the prop in verse using

    var PropsToRemoveCollisions: []creative_prop := array{}

But while you can set the mesh with “creative_prop.SetMesh()” there is no “creative_prop.GetMesh()” function, and even if there was it doesn’t look like Verse will let you do anything, much let set collision for meshes.

So, any way to remove collisions on playset props?