Any way to migrate project from UE5 early access to UE4?

Is there any way to migrate a level from UE5 early access to UE4?

But you can try it anyway if you want; the worst that can happen is it won’t work.

Though, what you can do is export out the assets, then import them into an older version. I think you can do that with a level, but it’s only going to export the models, not the blueprints.

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Thx buddy,but by exporting all the assets will lose all the transform information of assets in the level,how can I solve that?

There is no downgrade support in the unreal engine, so the simple answer will be you can’t. If a project creates by UE5, then there is no official way to edit it back into UE4 format.

File → Export All will export the whole level with all models at their correct transforms.

I’ve only needed to export a level to use as a reference, so I don’t know the workflow for moving a whole level another project like this. The mesh data seems to be instanced, so you *may* not have to worry about duplicates of the same model.

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Thx again!!This could perfectly work on the meshes,but all the materials would be lost ,any sugestion?

In Blender, it’s missing the textures but has the correct material name on it (ex. the walls have CubeMaterial), so if you have the materials created in the new project, it may find those & work. But again, never moved a whole level like this, so idk.

Ok, so the “Import into Level” right above the “Export All” imports the fbx into the level with all the correct transforms, and even keeps the spawn points, etc. The only problem is that it only finds existing materials if they’re in the same folder you’re importing into. If not, it let’s you set them manually in a menu. When I did this, it worked, but the brightness or colors were blown out. Idk it it was exposure or something else, but the import worked at least.

Alternatively, you can import the fbx in the content browser. That will let you find all the materials automatically even if they’re not in the same folder, but it doesn’t import them into the level. I was going to import them this way first, then import the level so that all the meshes would already be created, but it prefixed the names with the fbx name, so the names didn’t match. Simple fix is to just rename them to remove the prefix, but I didn’t want to waste time doing that.

Also, the FBX was the one exported from UE4, not from Blender. It was 4.20 → 4.20, so you may get different results than what I get considering you’re going 5EA → 4.x.

By doing that really worked!Thx,a small issue is that the whole scene will be converted into a huge bp actor after I select “Import into Level” .Is there something that I missed in the importing or exporting settings? :smile:

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Yeah, set “Hierarchy Type” to “Create Level Actors.”


Perfectly Worked,appreciate it!

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You can migrate assets to 4.27 using my plugin :

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