I’d like to keep the cinematic viewport as close to the final image as possible. Often, the gizmo and selection outline hides the information I’m trying to adjust for. I can toggle ‘Game’ mode, but because Unreal doesn’t understand which panel is in focus, often this means clicking in the Cinematic viewport to wake that panel up, losing selection, toggling game mode, then reselecting in another viewport - and this shows the selection outline and gizmo in the cinematic viewport again.
Often, I’ll be presenting to clients in a separate window, and I’d like to keep it free of any UI elements, etc. Also, for screenshots with Pathtracer, this resets the render.
So, the G key doesn’t work unless that viewport is focused, which requires a click.
If I’m editing in sequencer, or selecting something in the outliner or another viewport panel, the cinematic viewport is not the focused viewport. So G doesn’t do anything.
Clicking in the cinematic viewport means selecting something else. Now I need to reselect the actor I was working on, and the G key needs to be pressed again. But, as you might guess, the viewport has lost focus. I can go to the viewport options and turn off Game mode, then turn it back on.
Is there a way to keep one viewport in a completely locked Game view?
Ah I see what you mean. Not sure you can. I’d create another viewport and you can then go to the Show dropdown and deselect things like the grid to get a “cleaner” view for a client sharescreen scenario but I don’t think you can completely turn of object selection highlights or gizmos showing but might be some magic code for that.