Any way of changing pivot point of a static mesh component within actor viewport?

Gday i have basic static meshes that i want to attach to cannons and not have to do a bunch of set relative positions to line them up properly, is there any way to move the pivot point of static mesh component within the actor viewport?

There’s some good plug-ins on the marketplace for doing exactly that.

any that you would recommend?


and this one (both have their merits, I used both)


shiii these cost money, fug it ima just make duplicated of the mesh and manually change the pivot point

Thanks for the suggestions if im doin more advanced pivot changes ill look into these :heart:

Edit: I just went to maya and moved the pivot point myself :smiley:


Ohh, that looks nice… :slight_smile:

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Add a Scene component, and make the static mesh child of this component.
Then you can change the Scene component.

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To anyone coming across this later, you can just use the XForm tab in the Modelling Mode to adjust the pivot of any mesh.