I’d love to allow the player to be able to dynamically tunnel through the landscape. I can easily create the hole visually using a masks in the landscape material.
However I have never been able to dynamically disable collision for a specific actor for a specific pawn.
In Actor.uc we have:
/** enum for LDs to select collision options - sets Actor flags and that of our CollisionComponent via PostEditChange() */
var(Collision) const transient enum ECollisionType
COLLIDE_CustomDefault, // custom programmer set collison (PostEditChange() will restore collision to defaults when this is selected)
COLLIDE_NoCollision, // doesn't collide
COLLIDE_BlockAll, // blocks everything
COLLIDE_BlockWeapons, // only blocks zero extent things (usually weapons)
COLLIDE_TouchAll, // touches (doesn't block) everything
COLLIDE_TouchWeapons, // touches (doesn't block) only zero extent things
COLLIDE_BlockAllButWeapons, // only blocks non-zero extent things (Pawns, etc)
COLLIDE_TouchAllButWeapons, // touches (doesn't block) only non-zero extent things
COLLIDE_BlockWeaponsKickable // Same as BlockWeapons, but enables flags to be kicked by player physics
} CollisionType;
Are these the only control we have via script? It’s frustratingly limiting.