Any up to date tutorials on In app purchases?

Im running 4.8 and i cant for the life of me understand how to add the BILLING permission to my app.
I tried adding

<uses-permission android:name=“android.permission.BILLING”/>

Theres also a :

<uses-permission android:name=“”/>

Which i may have added recently i cant remember.

But there are also these tags in android settings under project settings which adds elements to Permissions & manifest.

Would appreciate any help with setting up the required BILLING according to google play.

Still looking for some help on this.

Hi Divinitize,

Short answer is no, there’s nothing official currently. I can tell you that it is in the works, however, but I cannot give you a firm date range of when it will be available. In the meantime, here is a thread with some useful info, and there is more on AnswerHub.

How is access (permission) to the market?

<uses-permission android:name=“ir.tgbs.iranapps.permission.BILLING” />

UE 4.8

Thank you Hamedudk, that worked exactly how i wanted it to without a hitch.
We really need to start an unofficial post about this stuff, including things like Ads, signing an APK ect, because no offence to Epic but their guides are outdated and weak.