Any tips on making simple models work or more appealing?

Howdy, I’ve got a project in mind, competence in coding and a story to tell.

But there is one issue, I can’t model to save my life, at least nothing super-detailed or fancy.

So I’m somewhat stuck with simple models, so that got me wondering what would be a way to make said models appealing? Any stylistic tips or tricks anybody knows in this regard?

If necessary the genre of the project is high-fantasy action-RPG with strategy and puzzle elements.

Look at models made my Synty Studios: Content by Synty Studios - UE Marketplace

I’m not here to promote them, but I’ve been looking into this style myself. It doesn’t need to be realistic in order to look appealing, as long as you just use the simplistic style correctly :slight_smile:

Wow, their Polygon packs look really good. I’ll be sure to see if I can replicate something similar. Reminds me a lot of the old fashioned low-poly games from the N64/PS1.

If you haven’t studied in Art, the quickest way is to find someone has a degree in art to mockup some scenes on a paper. Normally this is what a game should begin with - art direction/concept.

If you decide to do it yourself I would suggest look at some color palette combinations and always have a mock up first to save time.