Running 5.3. I’m attempting to import some large Rhino 7/8 files using Dataprep.
I’m having Unreal import using the Rhino meshes and UVs. I invariably crash during the import process. Direct load of the same files using Datasmith works about 50/50. I’ve disabled Mesh Distance Field generation to save some time.
My system has plenty of memory and task manager shows that the process is only consuming, at most, half my main memory.
I’ve exported smaller sections of the file and experience similar issues.
I’ve cleaned up the file in Rhino and removed any bad surfaces.
The top of the stack trace is Fatal error: [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Containers\ContainerHelpers.cpp] [Line: 8] Trying to resize TArray to an invalid size of 2147483664
Some googling shows that another user has solved by splitting the file up into parts. Given the number and size of files I have and the fact this occurs on just a subset of one of the files, I’d rather not have to generate hundreds of small files testing each one to see if it avoids this issue.