Any / Point / Radial Damage Event Question...

Need help understanding something…

Why is it that I can CALL functions like “Apply Damage”, “Apply Point Damage”, and “Apply Radial Damage” in, say a LEVEL BP and then they’ll trigger “Event Damage”, “Event Point Damage”, and “Event Radial Damage” to fire in OTHER BPs - like the character BP - (as I’d expect)

BUT, those SAME function calls will NOT trigger “Event Damage”, “Event Point Damage”, and “Event Radial Damage” to trigger within their OWN blueprint (for example, if I call those damage functions inside of the Level BP, those corresponding Damage Events do NOT trigger in the Level BP)

Is ‘LEVEL BP’ a actor? AD, APD, ARD is executed by server at specifed ‘actor’.

AH! Great call. Thanks for clearing that up, Jaco001!