Any plans for a better lighting setup in the static mesh editor?


Are there any plans to add more lighting options in the static mesh editor?
Currently it’s quite annoying that there is only 1 directional light, that you have to keep moving around just to see different parts of the model.
The skeletal mesh editor on the other hand has quite a nice lighting set up that allows you to at least view all the model with some ambient light etc.

sorry if this has already been added, I haven’t checked at home and I think we are on 4.7 here in the studio.


ib this video he goes ove different forms of that issue and what u can do. dnt remember where at so


Thanks for the reply. I think you may have misunderstood my question. sorry.
I meant the lighting set up in the editor that pops up when you double click on a static mesh in the content browser. where you assign collision and all that stuff. Currently there is 1 directional light that you can rotate around the object but that’s it.

i could import the static mesh into the scene, but it would be b nice to have decent lighting in the mesh editor
