Any plan to align UMF sounds behaviour on Android to standard Unreal Audio subsystem?

Hi, I am working with an Oculus Quest, i.e. an Android device and, after some struggles, I discovered that the standard UMF stuff of creating a Media Player to play a video in a texture and a connected Media Sound Component to play the relative audio won’t work on Android. On Android the UMF audio goes through the OS, so for example you have to use a Set Native Volume on the Media Player to set the audio volume, etc. This means no (AFAIK) spatialization, attenuation etc on Media Player audio on Android.

Is there any plan to develop in this direction? Anybody developed some workaround?

Please note I am on MacOS. I know that Oculus does not officially support MacOS platform and in fact I cannot see the Oculus plugin listed in my project settings, but it evidently works. The deploy from MacOS to Quest works like a charm and I do prefer working on MacOs. I am still on 4.24.
