Hey guys, this is somewhat related to my old thread about creating the lightest type of Actor possible.
The original setup for doing 2d sprite bullets was that each bullet is an Actor with a ParticleSystemComponent.
The reasoning there was that Actors are easy to manipulate, and SpriteComponent doesn’t do alpha blending and cannot rotate.
This lags quite a bit when you get up to about 500-600 bullets in a complex scene, so I’ve decided to try rewriting the entire setup, making it so I don’t use an Actor for each projectile, but instead have a single Actor and a fast pool of reusable components.
Here’s what I’ve tried just for preliminary testing with a single “Bullet Manager” actor that spawns 1000 components of various types, testing each type separately.
- ParticleSystemComponent lags quite a bit on its own, I get something like a x2 performance boost at best when all the components are linked to a single Actor, there is still strong lag just from the particles being present
- DrawQuadComponent while promising seems to not render anything, even if rotated and unhidden
- StaticMeshComponent is unfortunately very laggy, even with lighting and shadows disabled and a 2 triangle quad mesh, performing worse than ParticleSystemComponent does, and I haven’t found a way to activate instancing for it
Overall it doesn’t look so great but I’m open to ideas, am especially curious why StaticMeshComponent performs so poorly, and if maybe ParticleSystemComponent could be used to manage more than one bullet like I do now.
Any ideas or thoughts are very welcome.
function Init()
local int i;
SetCollision(false, false, true);
for(i=0; i<1000; i++)
part4 = new(self) class'DrawQuadComponent';
part4.Texture = Texture2D'variator.bullet18';
part = new(self) class'ParticleSystemComponent';
part.MaxLightEnvironmentPooledReuses = 10000;
part2 = new(self) class'StaticMeshComponent';
part2.SetActorCollision(false, false);
part2.bCastDynamicShadow = false;
part2.CastShadow = false;
part2.bAcceptsDynamicDominantLightShadows = false;