Is this a possible bug or am I doing something wrong?
It clearly shows false and yet goes out the true branch
It’s for a sliding puzzle, I’m trying to check the inversion and reshuffle if it’s unsolvable.
I’m getting the name of the component and splitting off so I keep the number, the first one doesn’t have a number so I’m checking if it’s numeric, if it is, then I know it’s not the first block created, if it’s not numeric, then I will know it didn’t have the _1 at the end, so I know it’s index 0 and can skip the inversion check.
I suppose I could probably get the length and if it’s more than 1 also know that it’s the first block, but thought I’d post this in case it’s a bug or at least I can learn what I’m doing wrong
for reference, here’s what a correct one looks like