Hello all.
I’m looking for make a very very very very simple inventory without any interface, but I don’t know where I can start.
I have a basic setup in my player blueprint with two values:
1. An array that its a structure with the item info (name, type, ID, etc)
2. An integer that indicate which item slot is currently selected.
For the movement of the inventory I use the mouse wheel up and down keys. The wheel up add +1 to the integer, and the wheel down -1. The clamp determine the max slots (10)
I also have an actor blueprint with a sphere collision and a variable with the item info struct. It’s the base item where I’ll create the childrens (medkits, bandages, etc)
This is all that I have done.
Enter will use item, and backspace will drop it.
I’m looking for ideas of how to do that when the player enter in the sphere collision, the item add himself to the inventory.
I tried the interfaces but… well…