I let you see the whole animation first. The character runs up then turns around to a “surprise” uppercut. I normally cut this animation so it is just when the character leaves the ground. The problem is, no matter what I seem to do the part I need here is always rotated around the wrong way. I have tried adjusting what I thought were all relevant options in the animation and montage, like root motion stuff yet nothing helps here. I have tried adjusting the animation from the first frame rotating the hip 180 or -180 adding a key and saving, even reimporting with adjusted rotation and nothing seems to help. Any ideas to fix this? Thanks
Okay, some things need to be cleared up before proceeding.
The first is that you should make your character’s and enemies’ CAPSULE COMPONENTs visible during gameplay so you can keep track of what the animation is actually doing.
Once you do that, upload another video or link to a video exposing those capsules so I/we can see what’s actually going on.
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