Any guide/advice on setting up the Time of Day as it appears/applies to Ark?

Close to finishing my map. But I’m having a hard time finding anything that explains setting up the time. From there I think I can probably figure out the day/night cycle. But any assistance on setting up time would be greatly appreciated.

In short copy all the time of day related actors (including matinee actors) from the example map then re-link all the actors in the matinees after you copy them over.
Including the lighting actors. Make sure their all on the same sublevel. Also copy all the weather relalated blueprint stuff in the level BP of the example map over to your new map and fix the broken actor links.
Most of it you should be able to figure out for yourself but might take some time to dissect. All the tutorials I’ve found on this are rather lacking so if you get hung up at any point I can try to help talk you through it.

Thanks Nano!

I’ve managed to construct a Day/Night cycle with a pretty Harvest Moon. So I’ll take a look at the blueprints and see if anything pops out at me in regards to Time of Day. It’s not absolutely necessary for this type of map. (Smaller PVP Map) But it’s still something I’d like to know and implement if I can.