Hi all,
We have developed a in-house spatial audio rendering and room acoustic simulation engine. We are currently wrapping it into plugins for various game / audio engines, so that we can provide it to game developers.
We’ve already implemented the Unity and Wwise plugin, but when we plan to implement one for UE4, we cannot find documentation for developing third-party audio spatializer. There seems to be no information regarding to third-party audio spatializer API either.
Our goad for the developer experience on UE would be something like Oculus Spatializer, which you can enable the plugin from plugin manager, select it as the Spatialization and Reverb plugin in Project Settings, and also some actor components like acoustic geometry and material.
Basically something like this: https://developer.oculus.com/documentation/unreal/audio-osp-ue/
Where would be a good starting point for us? Any help would be much Appreciated.
Mike Ye.