Any good way to move the pivot dynamically?

I’m trying to rotate an actor (plane mesh) using a custom pivot that I want to change over time. I found two ways to do this but both are complex

First option - Geometry Script
Geometry Script is a beta pluging that allows to create meshes dynamically and set their pivot, I think there are lots of downsides of this approach but the big ones are that this only works with dynamic meshes and only rotates well with specific Geometry Scripts functions. I stopped my investigations since I’m not 100% sure if will be able to make this work fine.

Second option - RotatingMovement
The other way I found to make this work is by adding RotatingMovement to the actor and then I can use RotatingMovement functions to change the pivot location but there is a problem with this approach, the new pivot is only used if I rotate the actor using the “Set Rotation Rate” and this isn’t ideal because I’m trying to control the rotation with an analog stick and making the stick movement speed and distance match the actor seems very dificult.

Does anyone knows of a good way to move the pivot dynamically? I’m learning game development in my free time and I don’t know if I’m missing something important but I have spend more than a week stuck with this issue and I can’t find a sensible solution, I’ll really appreciate if someone can help me.

Add a scene component and make it serve as the pivot:


Thanks for you help, I really appreciate it.
The method you suggest works fine if the pivot is static but if I want to move the pivot I can’t do that because the child (plane) also moves.
I have been playing with this for some hours and I found a way to make it work but is also hacky, basically if I attach the Plane back to the DefaulSceneRoot then I can move the pivot(scene) and then after that I can attach the Plane to the pivot(scene). Sadly this solution is not perfect, every time I do that with Blueprints it doesn’t seem to be possible to rotate in the same frame so If I do this through the Event tick then nothing moves, I had to move this mechanism into a timer event and that way it seems to work.

Please let me know if anyone can suggest a better solution, otherwise I think I’ll go with this one as it seems less problematic than the previous ones.