Dear audio engine team, you’re doing amazing work. A lot of awesome stuff coming in the new audio engine.
Still… something important is missing. I know I’m not a first person to mention it…
We would love to have a way to get frequency spectrum out of given sound. Working well on every Unreal platform.
That’s it. It would crazy useful. Visuals and audio could become a one, working together, synchronized.
It would be a huge waste if we won’t be able to feed Niagara with such audio data.
Seriously, if spectrum analysis was considered a minor feature useful only in some hipster games… Now synchronizing Niagara-based particles with sound could simplify pipeline of creating those particles. This opens a lot of new possibilities, workflows.
Any chance to get knowledge about this FFT implementation? I just need to know if i must do it by myself, or can expect native one in 4.21.
Seems like more people are interested in this one.
Cheers! :).
@Minus_Kelvin We would truly appreciate if you could comment on this.
Can we expect this feature to be added to engine or should we look for an audio programmer? Latter isn’t a bad option… Although reading frequency spectrum would be used in many games, it should be in engine
Hello, I’m’ researching about Spectrum Analysis and I came across to this posting, I still not sure about FFT & Spectrum Analisis built in 4.21, what I want is to trigger some event while the music track is playing using some beat or spectrum analyzer.
I thought these options are already built in UE4, since I saw some posts about “New Audio Engine in 4.17” but still can’t get a clear clue.
What I’ve found at the moment is this plugin:
It is pretty recent release January 2019 for the first time and seems to offer some good audio features, I still not sure how the plugin works but look promising.
If anyone knows any good way to analyze .wav files to trigger some Events base on a Frequency, please share it, would be good if Unreal could support it natively.
Actually… reading frequency spectrum is already available on master branch for some time, so it will come in 4.22.
Tried myself, you can bake amplitude into FFT data into sound wave. Later you can receive it from audio component while playing this sound wave.