antigamingstudio is loiking for environment, character and texture artist

Hello everyone!
We are young and ambitious team of Anti-Gaming studio located in Tbilisi, Georgia. We currently work on a big project called “Legend of Amiran”.
Legend of Amiran is a single player, open world AAA rank game that incorporates unique gameplay mechanics and a world based on ancient legends and Georgian folk.
We would like to invite you in our team! Currently we are looking for:

  1. Environment artist
    Job Description:
    As Splash Damage’s Environment Artist, you will be responsible for furnishing the game world with props, objects and life.
    • Create and maintain 3D prop and modular assets.
    • Create and maintain texture library.
    • Cooperate with Art team to ensure right consistency and atmosphere of the world.
    • Create stunning environmental art.
    Job Requirement:
    • Have a good understanding of form and detail with an eye for lovable design.
    • Experience with any 3D Packages (3ds Max, Maya, Blender).
    • Experience in ZBrush.
  2. Texture artist
    Job Description:
    Create natural and realistic textures for environment and characters.

Job Requirement:
• Knowledge of substance painter/designer.
• Experienced in Photoshop.
3) Character artist

Job description:
Create realistic, interesting and memorable characters.
Job Requirement:
• Familiarity with 3D modelling packages such as 3ds Max, Maya or equivalent.
• Knowledge of ZBrush.
• Great understanding of anatomy and optimization.
4) Animator
Job description:
Create character, combat, animal and other creatures animation (you can choose on which one you prefer to work on).
Job requirement:
• Familiarity with 3D modelling packages such as 3ds Max, Maya or Blender (however Maya is preferred).
• Ability to create natural and interesting animations.
What do we offer:
• Great working atmosphere.
• Flexible working hours.
• You will get a fair Rev-Share/Bonus Shares.
• A lovable and great project.
• Your position can turn to a full time position

Notice that all positions are Royalty/Rev-share-based since we do not have any funds. Serious and motivated people willing to game of their time regularly only.

Not necessary looking for total pro devs and artists but a little bit of experience is always appreciated.

Please contact us and send us your portfolios:

We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Have a Creative day.

hi i am 3d modeler if it’s possible give me a phone number or skype or whatsapp for talking .
i am working with zbrush , mudbox and C4D .