Happy as a pig in mud because I was able to get a basic procedural mesh with collision going in UE4 this weekend. Next step in my plan to take over the world though is to figure out a way to also generate dynamic textures for my procedural geometry (ok, terrain).
Way back when dinosaurs roamed the earth I managed to get a vector graphics library called Anti-Grain geometry going in Irrlicht 3D, and it was awesome. Has anyone here played around with this library (or others like it) and can anyone offer any suggestions for where to start with getting something like this going in UE4?
I’ve done a bunch of different stuff with shader based texturing of large terrains, but in this case what I’d like to do is see what sort of results I can get with fractally generated vector shapes combined in all sorts of random interesting ways then rendered to a single set of textures per (custom) terrain cell.
For the visual people, here’s an example (not mine) of the sort of thing I’d like to (try and) do:
Getting the C++ code to compile is a bit bodgy at the moment, hot reload crashes the editor and compiling from VS crashes the editor. The only way I can get it to build is to shut the editor down and delete the contents of the Binaries/Win64 folder then restart the editor (whereupon it asks if I want to rebuild the DLL, which it then does successfully).
As soon as I can figure out how to bundle it all up I’ll make a copy of the project available here, hopefully some of the C++ demigods can help me figure out how to stop it crashing the editor as described above.
P.S. This is AGG2.4, so it’s still under the Modified BSD license that the author made this version available with