Anti-aliasing problems when painting landscapes?

Hello everyone! I was working in UE5 today, and everything seemed to be fine. I had applied the Ground Grass starter material to my landscape and everything looked great. Then I built my own landscape material pictured here:

When I applied it to my landscape, the entire thing immediately became highly blurry. I looked online and found another post that said all textures had to be set to Power of Two, so I changed that, but the image remains fuzzy. I figured it was anti-aliasing so I went to my settings and did everything I could. Turning it off? No dice? Switching AA method? Nada. Switching to Temporal AA seems to get rid of a lot of the fuzz, but there is still a lot there. It seems I can only put one picture on this post so let me know if you need to see more.

Any ideas on how to solve this? I’m stumped.

Here is how it looks now that I have turned the AA to Temporal

This is how it looks with Fast AA enabled

Not sure it will change anything, but you are missing UV parameters on all your textures.

are you referencing something like a TexCoord node?

anything. but landscape should use the landscape coord node.

Thank you for catching that but it did not fix the fuzz issue

Material settings, blend mode Opaque?
Any change with options?
Other than that, no idea really. If you have to use Unreal, stick to 4 for development…

No no change with those. Seems to be squarely a lighting issue. And I would but unfortunately I’m a teacher in the industry so I am giving students tutorials on 5 not developing.

All anyone can even think is “poor kids”… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Have you attempted to paint different layers and change the UV coordinate size to enlarge the texture yet?

The only other option you have is to try and use a landscape height blend.

You can re-use the normal map’s R or B to get something into the height and avoid an extra texture.

Since you are teaching.
Teach kids to pack texture. To do it properly you would place the height as the alpha on the diffuse and utilize the alpha channel.

Notmally don’t touch normal maps becauae then they don’t import automatically with the correct compression.
But if you know what you are doing you can pack B and A on those too.

Thank you for your help. At this point I can only guess that it is a graphical problem with UE5 being that it is so new, or (More likely) my computer is simply not equipped to handle it. I tried it in class and most of the student’s work seems to look fine. That said I have plead my case to the dean, and we will be sticking to UE4 until next year XD.

Best idea.

Ue4 does have the same issue though.
Its a rendering thing due to temporalAA. Basically, its just how it works…

If the school computers arent good enough, you can force things to forward rendering.

Actually, if you can teach a forward rendering art pipeline, the real world application (getting a job) may be more realistic.

Ue4/5 has been a drag on rendering for the past 2 years without any evident visual advantage over other engines…
At least forward rendering is a little faster for peformance…

That’s extremely odd. It almost looks like you have grass foliage w/shadows that are pixelating.