Hi, I’m working on the settings menu for my project and I was wondering if there’s a way to change the anti-aliasing method and toggle bloom, ambient occlusion, motion blur and lens flares (all located in project settings > rendering > default settings) from a widget. I know I can change the anti-aliasing quality, but I’m looking for the method, specifically. Thanks!
You need to have a button that triggers(in logic) a blueprint code called “Run console command”
The console command would be a string containing "r.AntiAliasingMethod " (Notice the space included) then concatenate with string holding 0-4 (Skip 3 if in deferred).
EDIT: Thank you for thinking about this.
Members (including myself) at r/f*ckTAA would be grateful to hear this from a dev.
First of thank you very much! This worked perfectly. Also, very glad to hear I’m making a whole community very happy just by giving players the option hahahaha
Edit: do you know the commands or where can I find them for bloom, ambient occlusion, motion blur and lens flares?
For those, the ue4 command list should do this fine
Don’t use spaces when looking them up.
[r.BloomQuality] 0: off, no performance impact.
1: average quality, least performance impact.
2: average quality, least performance impact.
3: good quality.
4: good quality.
5: Best quality, most significant performance impact. (default)5: force experimental higher quality on mobile (can be quite slow on some hardware)
Bloom and SSAO are crazy in unreal, completely broken because of temporal dependency.
My motion blur commands for just added motion interpolation are:
r.MotionBlur.Amount .39
r.MotionBlur.Max 5
r.MotionBlur.TargetFPS 110
r.MotionBlurQuality 4
r.MotionBlurSeparable 1
Set Quality to 0 to turn it off.
Ahhhhh I’ll be taking a good look at all that. Thank you very much! You’re a savior
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