AnswerHub / Rocket SSL Error


When searching google and looking at subjects regarding UE4. Occasionally i want to go to answerhub. Lately URL’s are or rocket2 etc.
Your cert is issued for answers.unrealengine

This mismatch of URL and cert makes it frustrating having to say, yes… i trust this site, yes i confirm its not an attack etc.
Thanks for reading

IF you do not want to go wildcard, ask your cert provider to include some SAN’s in your certificate please.

We have already identified this problem and the devs are working on it.

Rocket was the codename for Unreal Engine 4 Beta and what you are seeing there are some archived posts.

Negative. This occurs with new posts as well. Unless new posts are archived.

Yep, the developers are already aware of the problem ->they are working on a solution :wink:

Well a SAN is the easiest and quickest solution.
It literally takes less that 45 minutes. That is if you have a dependency on a verification process when requesting signed certificates.
If its a self issuing system used by GoDaddy it should take what… 10 minutes including services restart.

Considering the fact that it is in fact GoDaddy i don’t see why there would be a verification process if taken into account the security breaches they have had in the past.
This is one cert provider i do not trust.

But then again… i did work as a crypto specialist for 5 years and not everyone shares the same sentiment about broken trust.

Oh and this is only applicable if the not concerned about the name of the URL.
If they are then its a different story