AnswerHub page listing broken

  1. On main AnswerHub page click “Unanswered questions” tab
  2. At the bottom of page click “2” to open page 2

Expected: page 2 with unanswered questions


Page Not Found

The page you were trying to reach was not found on this TeamHub server. If you feel you’re seeing this page in error, please contact the site administrators.

Thanks for pointing this out. I reported this back to the Staff team. (:

EDIT: Oh, i just noticed, the whole main page is broken. I can’t see the page numbers at the bottom for the main AnswerHUB page.

I have many answer hub bugs but recently over the last couple of days. Both on my macs OS X and iPad iOS. 1 is that my question did not appear on the answer hub for sometime until I made a comment. And now I only have the first page of questions with no links at all to access any older pages.

Thanks for the report Slonopotamus,

This is being worked on this weekend.