I am not sure if this is the right place to ask, but: How does Answerhub work? When I want to upvote an answer, I get an error “Request method not allowed”. Same with downvote.
Of course I am logged in, but perhaps I forgot something? Am I the only one with this problem? :-/
Interestingly, Everynone’s comment weakly hinted to the solution, because I then realized: I even cannot give comments or reply to comments! (At least concerning posts in questions that I am involved in.)
So the curious solution: Switch the language of your profile back to English. Now, comments are ok, replies work, and upvotes/downvote/mark as answer do finally work again. In general, the design looks it little bit more interesting, some design elements were missing (what I just noticed after I changed the profile language).
Yes, not to be able to vote is persistent, not to be able to give comments and replies seems to affect only posts where I already am involved in (i. e. started the question or gave an answer). I could find the reason for the problem, seems to be a bug. (??)
And by the way, thanks for the upvote, finally some karma for me