AnswerHub browsing UX needs improvements

Dear forum staff!

The Q&A section could benefit from more detailed filtering options, such as:

  • Filter only resolved/unresolved
  • Filter by number of replies
  • Sort by date posted (not just date of latest post)
  • Tag filters that show number of questions (similar to StackOverflow), which would allow to know which tags are actually widely used.

The tag system in general seems very weird. For one, the “all tags” dropdown doesn’t show all tags. :face_with_monocle:

It shows versions, “question” tag, and a selection of random tags such as “layers” for some reason. Actually useful tags actually from the posts don’t show up in the dropdown unless you specifically type them in. Big filter-able mandatory categories for questions, such as “Blueprint”, “UI”, “C++”, etc. were very helpful in the old version of AnswerHub.

“C” and “C-PROGRAMMING” are for some reason two separate tags. In both cases, “C” as abbreviation for “C++” is confusing, feels like “CPP” is the more widely accepted no-special-character way to say “C++”.

Most posts don’t even have tags, because when making the post, it’s not required, and the tag dropdown doesn’t suggest good usable tags.

The version requirement for making the posts is also very confusing. The error message doesn’t give an example of how the tag should be formatted (UE4-27 or 4-27 or whatever else). This last point was of course mentioned many times in the forums already, so this point is more of a side note.

I feel like “software Q&A forum” is not that new of an idea, with many known good examples of UX for browing, posting, searching, answering, etc. Maybe it’s good to use some established conventions.

Thank you for reading.