Figured out custom events but now I ran into another node that I can’t seem to figure out how to duplicate. It’s for rotating a springarm in the UE5 Simple Car project. It expands the springarm into rotation values and I’ve searched and tried all the rotation related ones I can find and nothing matches. I checked and I can’t make springarm into a variable either. I’ve circled the mystery node in red. What the heck is this thing?
this is the rotation of the child mesh or inside the actor
you have location and you have rotation
here we have our cube inside the actor… here is relative rotation 0,0,0 but world rotation could be different as world location…
i think in unity 3d it´s GameObject.LocalRotation… the state in the parent
hope this makes sense
If you have a spring arm in your actor, it is already a variable. Just grab it straight off of the components listing and drag it into the blueprint graph.
As for the node, as pointed out by @AustrianMunzter , that is just the regular “Get Relative Rotation” node you can find if you pull out the pin from your spring arm variable.
It looks a bit different in your picture because the struct has been split. To split the struct, just hover over the output pin and right click and select “split struct pin.”
Ah that was it! I know about splitting pins and had that node out but didn’t connect the two in my brain so I thought it was the wrong node.