Another editor to fix corrupted blueprint?

Is there another editor to fix a corrupted blueprint? The blueprint will crash the unreal editor upon opening it due to the last change i have made. I am trying to salvage it but i dont have backups or source control. Anyone who managed to overcome this issue.

Depends on what your log says about it. Usually if a blueprint is dead you can’t fix it. It’s not fixable by text editor since it’s a binary file. Perfect design… right? You should make a repo though, Git is easy to set up.

Backup your project/make a repository for it before you continue reading.

The following is in order of complexity from easy to difficult:

  • Unreal normally automatically periodically makes auto saves of assets including blueprints which may help you recover in this situation. Look in the Saved/Autosaves/<Path/To/Asset> directory of your project if you have any older versions that don’t cause the crash.
  • If that fails you may be able to work around the crash by running the editor with Visual Studio attached. This may or may not be successful depending on what causes the crash. For example if it’s a failing check Unreal can continue to run if a debugger is attached (that is if the check doesn’t guard against something that would otherwise cause a crash as well).
  • Another alternative is with Visual Studio attached if you manage to find a good (conditional) breakpoint you can edit the values that lead to the crash in memory. This may allow you to clear/reset the corrupt data in the blueprint and then open it normally. Of course you still lose whatever data you changed in memory.

Thanks everyone for their preventive measures. Using VS as debugger is new to me, as i had either used unreal C++ or blueprint but not both. I have managed somehow to recreate the blueprint via aging mental memory. Cant wait to screw it up for a bigger and more complex blueprint file.

Hope unreal could allow us to pastebin the graphical nodes similar to blueprint UE, where we could paste it in a new blueprint and fix the offending nodes. The current export option, which exported the t3d file didnt work for that purpose.

I’ve been using UE pretty much since the UE4 was available. The only fix is to switch to C++ and try to do as little as possible with BP unless you want to include the BP userbase with your products :sweat_smile:. Even then you could to some point only use blueprint function libraries as some form of interface for them similar to the Kismet libraries.

There’s a lot of crap in blueprint files which compared to text make it pretty difficult to “fix up” nodes if the nodes themselves won’t work… To the point that sometimes the file won’t open :slight_smile: . Wait til it silently starts breaking references to your animation events and soft pointers on a 30MB animation blueprint. Please safe yourself the headache.

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Pretty sure I’ve seen code that looked like there’s at least some kind of support for non-binary asset formats (e.g. IsTextFormat, GetTextAssetPackageExtension which is utxt). Not sure if it’s fully implemented yet or how it can be enabled if it is. Would be interested to know in case you learn anything in that regard. Seems like you need the engine built with the define WITH_TEXT_ARCHIVE_SUPPORT active, not sure if there’s more though. There have been threads like Pain of Unreal Engine: binary assets before which refers to “text based assets”.