Annoying that .ini settings always reset after daylight-savings clock change

I wonder if it’s possible to prevent this from occurring without having to recompile the engine…?

Every time the clocks change, my players have to reapply their controls and graphics settings.

Yeah, I saw some entries in the UDKengine.ini reseted.

Does anyone know where in the native C++ code this is happening?

I suppose it’s in UnMisc.cpp in

void appInit( const TCHAR* InCmdLine, FOutputDevice* InLog, FOutputDeviceConsole* InLogConsole, FOutputDeviceError* InError, FFeedbackContext* InWarn, FFileManager* InFileManager, FCallbackEventObserver* InCallbackEventDevice, FCallbackQueryDevice* InCallbackQueryDevice, FConfigCacheIni*(*ConfigFactory)() )

There are some calls of appCheckIniForOutdatedness:

	appCheckIniForOutdatedness( GEditorIni, GDefaultEditorIni, FALSE, YesNoToAll );
	appCheckIniForOutdatedness( GEditorUserSettingsIni, GDefaultEditorUserSettingsIni, TRUE, YesNoToAll );
	appCheckIniForOutdatedness( GSystemSettingsIni, GDefaultSystemSettingsIni, FALSE, YesNoToAll );
	appCheckIniForOutdatedness( GLightmassIni, GDefaultLightmassIni, FALSE, YesNoToAll );
	appCheckIniForOutdatedness( GEngineIni, GDefaultEngineIni, FALSE, YesNoToAll );
	appCheckIniForOutdatedness( GGameIni, GDefaultGameIni, FALSE, YesNoToAll );
	appCheckIniForOutdatedness( GInputIni, GDefaultInputIni, FALSE, YesNoToAll );
	appCheckIniForOutdatedness( GUIIni, GDefaultUIIni, FALSE, YesNoToAll );

Nice, thanks for sharing :slight_smile: I will take a look.