Announcing Section #2 for Survival Game - Weapons & Interaction

That’s something I would like to address, I’ve written it down to see if I can fit this into a later section.

Everything you do inside your project, is part of the game layer and not part of the engine.

Now I understand, Thanks.

Glad my tutorials could be of help. You’re welcome.

His series is really great though isn’t it ?! I learned a thing or two as well! <3 long live looman!

Is there any plan for a first person view, or will it be strictly third person?

I have no plans for first person at this time. ShooterGame does support both views, and both projects use a similar code structure if you were to add first person mode.

I’d love to know, how we can to add to your base class “SPlayerCameraManager”, a function that to set one an angular point to the camera for at certain times of the scene this camera will can to stay without move, like great “Resident Evil”. I think that scenes type can be nice for this Survival Game.

I’d recommend checking out this thread: Resident Evil-ish Prototype game - Game Development - Epic Developer Community Forums

Fantastic thread!, I always liked it this types of scenes. I will study it with more thoroughly, Thanks.

I want to wait the release of documentation of this section before start with question but i really don’t understand how impact determines the surface, i understand the code (i hope :)), what i’m not understand is why if i change the mesh of the “dummy” character and i use something like the Prototype character mesh from marketplace , the impact effect change from FleshFX to DefaultFX.

Have i to add physical material to the new character mesh?

For skeletal meshes you need to use the PhysicsAssets next to it to set the PhysicalMaterial type for every collision primitive that is set in the asset. This is different from Static meshes that retrieve this PhysicalMaterial reference through the shader material that you applied.

Hm, first thing to check is if the binary is OK. So, please regenerate the visual studio files and rebuild your source.

Well, I am on Mac =) Issue was somehow connected with git pulling changes for Section 2. After I downloaded entire zip everything works.

Done and work fine, thank! I’m reading the official doc about physical material and i’m understanding a lot.

Now i can made wall bleeding! :slight_smile:

I’m really noob about a lot of engine stuff :o


Uhm, no spoiler tags on this forum?

Video update for Section 2:

Hi in the Section 2 to get Player 2 to spawn (like we see in the YouTube clip) would I need another controller or input device?

Nope, you can specify the number of players by clicking the Arrow next to the big Play button.

In the recorded clip I was hosting a match with a friend. But local multiplayer works for debugging.

So many tutorials available, what a time to be alive :smiley:

I’d like to see a blueprinted version of this.

Studying your modules and I see that “SGameMode.h” and “SGameMode.cpp” files are empties, without types and functions/methods defined, perhaps, For we can write own game modes?. At final of “SBombActor.cpp”, I see that you implement the method:

[FONT=Courier New]"void ASBombActor::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray<FLifetimeProperty>& OutLifetimeProps) const

 DOREPLIFETIME(ASBombActor, bIsFuzeActive);
 DOREPLIFETIME(ASBombActor, bExploded);


I don’t see defined this method at the header file. Why?

Finally, if we want to create a second weapon that will make more damage, for example a “SWeapon_B”, we will can defining the header file using the multiple inheritance? like:

[FONT=Courier New]#include “GameFramework/Actor.h”
#include “SCharacter.h”
#include “SWeapon.h”
#include “SWeapon_B.generated.h”

UCLASS(ABSTRACT, Blueprintable)
class SURVIVALGAME_API ASWeapon_B : public AActor : public SWeapon

    // ---- Class Definition with particular types/variables and functions/methods for "SWeapon_B" -------



I made the same question time ago in Section 1 thread, here the answer :slight_smile: