Announcing Fab, an Evolution of the Unreal Engine Marketplace

It’s a huge guess but they might already be messing with AI in forum responses. I noticed a bunch of new bot accounts of which all posts were removed after I discussed them privately. Interestingly the accounts still exist but seem inactive. Wondering if it’s EPIC messing around or an outside threat. AI isn’t ready to deal with the forums on complex topics / knowledge when it just parrots info.

They could use AI in other ways. Bug reporting / merging. Linking related posts. Moderating. Behavior scanning to detect bots. Summarizing. Linking documentation. Translating. and so on. AI is good at parroting, let it parrot documentation. Devs get more free time, mods get more free time, so it’s a winwin. Just don’t let AI deal with discussions or complex topics beyond its capabilities and please mark AI as “AI” just like we see “staff” tags.

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