AnimSequence FBX export using Python API


For some reason the tool I’m writing is still prompting me with the FBX Export Options UI even though I’m setting the task to automated and prompt set to False

import unreal

# Create FBX export task and options
exportTask = unreal.AssetExportTask()
exportTask.automated = True
exportTask.prompt = False
exportTask.filename = file_path
exportTask.object = anim_sequence

animSeqExportOption = unreal.AnimSeqExportOption()
animSeqExportOption.export_attribute_curves = False
animSeqExportOption.export_material_curves = False
animSeqExportOption.export_morph_targets = False
animSeqExportOption.export_transforms = True
animSeqExportOption.record_in_world_space = worldspace

exportTask.options = animSeqExportOption

# Create class specific exporter
fbxAnimSeqExporter = unreal.AnimSequenceExporterFBX()
exportTask.exporter = fbxAnimSeqExporter

Thanks in advance for your help!