AnimNotifyState tick function not running in montage editor

Hi everyone,

I’ve been working on some development tools in UE 5.3 and have heavy use of AnimNotifyStates for managing colliders in animations and the animation editor window. I would like to primarily work in AnimMontages but there is an issue:

The AnimNotifyState tick function does not fire in the AnimMontage editor window while the playback is paused even though the ShouldFireInEditor property is true. However, the tick function DOES fire in editor when in the AnimationSequence editor window while the playback is paused. I would like it to have this behaviour when working with AnimMontages.

Does anyone have any idea if this is an engine inconsistency that will be fixed? Or have any idea how to enable it? This throws a big wrench in my pipeline and I’m desperate for a solution. If this is a bug or inconsistency, is the editor windows something I can access if I modify the engine code?