
Does AnimNotify only work on player driven characters?

I am using them in my AI driven enemies to change the pawn channel’s response from ignore to overlap and back to ignore.

There are 2 notifies:

One to change to overlap
One to change back to ignore

The problem I am having seems to be that the channel’s response is not changing at all. The notifies are not triggering.

I tested this out by making sure that the overlap event is working as well as the proper animation is player. Not matter if I’m playing it through the behavior tree or the BP itself, the notifies does not trigger.

Still unable to get this issue solved. Does anyone else have this issue?

AnimNotify works on AI controlled Pawns also.

Can you post your custom AnimNotify blueprint setup please and how it calls into the AI character’s blueprint?

Also, can you add some logging using ‘Print String’ and make sure you’re absolutely not getting any AnimNotify calls in to your custom notify blueprint and your character?