AnimNotify Event not triggering in Lyra Starter Game Demo

So I have a notify (called test in the image below) in the Pistol_Jog_Fwd animation (I’ve tried in both the MM and the MF) and I want to use an AnimNotify event to call it so I can do some things every time there’s a footstep

However, it seems like it does not recognize the notify when I try to call it inside the blueprint

I am calling it in the ABP_PistolAnimLayers (I’ve tried in the _Feminine as well) and even something as simple as a print string isn’t being called

I can only imagine that’s where I’m doing something wrong, maybe the AnimNotify is supposed to go somewhere else to be recognized when the animations play but I have no idea where

Any help is very much appreciated

I forgot to reply back but for posterity’s sake even though I haven’t found the answer to my specific problem, the workaround was to create a custom notify blueprint and handle the Event AnimNotify through that instead