AnimNotifies to level blueprint

Hi all, I’ve set up an AnimNotify within my character’s anim_BP and I want that trigger an event in the level.

In other words, at a certain point in the animation I want the notify to trigger a matinée animation, as well as trigger another game state.

I’ve tried setting up the AnimNotify to be a custom event, but I can’t figure out how to reference my Anim_BP within the Level_BP. Not too sure if that’s the direction I should be heading in anyway…

Any ideas?

Many thanks!!


it seems pretty odd(why trigger it using animNotify) but still totally doable.
your animNotify lives in animation BP, but you can then call custom interface event in pawn owner.
In pawn you can then try get gamemode and call custom interface event and let gamemode do all the stuff.

In non-multiplayer game, you can just use event dispatcher with pawn to level blueprint.

Hey Penguin, thanks for the reply!

It is indeed an odd setup - I’m creating a prototype for a museum exhibit so it’s not a normal game. I have a button assigned to an animation which has a character grabbing an apple, and when the character reaches a certain point in the animation I want to attach the apple to a socket on the character’s rig as well as triggering the end of the game or “experience”. I figure I should use an anim notify because the input is already controlling the climbing animation.

Saying that, I’m not sure what a interface event in the pawn owner is. I checked out this article: Implementing Blueprint Interfaces | Unreal Engine Documentation
-but I’m not sure if this is the right direction I should be going in.

If I can just get the anim_BP’s animation notify to trigger a print statement within the level blueprint, I’ll be happy :slight_smile: (i think?)


yes that is correct.
If your “game” is only single player, maybe go with the castTo and call custom event route would be easier for you to manage.
once you get to pawn or player controller, you can just use event dispatcher.

For anyone else who has a similar question; The easiest way to do this is to create a custom notify in your animation (Right click and New Notify) then call that Notify inside your animBP, cast it to your custom character and then trigger a custom event inside your character. Then you can create an Event Dispatcher to notify the game when your event has taken place. Then inside the level blueprint (or wherever else you want) you can Bind another event to the Dispatcher. Then finally you can run your special code for whatever you want to happen.

Here’s a quick breakdown:

​​​​​​​This is really only Single Player Friendly though.