AnimNotifies not showing for compatible skeletons

The new “compatible skeleton” feature works great when using Marketplace Assets designed for Epic Mannequin.

The issue is that AnimNotify events set on animations from a compatible skeleton are not available on another compatible skeleton’s AnimGraph.

For example, I have added notifies to a Zombie Animation on ProductX. The AnimBP on the Enemy will not recognize these notifies.

Thanks for any help/advice

For anyone experiencing this, you can simply change the skeleton on the animation to match the target anim bp. (right-click animation asset and choose “replace skeleton”, select the same skeleton that the animbp is based on).

Less than ideal - and mitigates the cool new “compatible skeleton” feature - but easy enough and it works…

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Ran into this problem and was able to fix it by adding an anim notify of the same exact name to the compatible skeleton and then binding to that anim notify in my animation blueprint.

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