AnimMontage no longer trigger AnimNotify at frame 0 on original animation

Hello, i’ve upgraded today to 4.11 and i’ve noticed an issue with animnotifies that wasn’t happening with 4.10.4. I have an animmontage (no animnotifies) with an animation sequence that has one animnotify at frame 0 and that is not being triggered, if i set it a little bit forward it triggers so i guess it’s a blending issue, the thing is i have blend in time to 0.0s so what could be causing it not to trigger? Thank you.

Hi xlar8or,

This is a known issue (UE-29149 and UE-27407) that is fixed for a future release. Unfortunately, the fix for this is a rather hefty one and was deemed unsafe to integrate into a 4.11 hotfix.


Thank you, so it will only be available on 4.12?

It is currently in the Framework Stream and not in 4.12 Main yet. The expected version for the fix is 4.12, but that’ been known to change before.

still exist on 4.22P7