AnimGraph state transition won't notify

Custom blueprint events have been established for Start Transition and End Transition – for locomotion mode changes in my project - and had been working for several months. I have a stored PC project build dated July 28 in which the AnimNotify transition events are working. The next stored build from Aug 25 has the failure. All my current attempts to restore the functionality in 4.9 and in 4.8.3 (in my project or a fresh third person from template) have failed.

Attached are screenshots of my attempt to get AnimNotify transition events working in a fresh 4.9 third person project. Maybe I’m overlooking something but the feature is pretty simple - so at this point it feels like this should be a bug report.



Hi DavidBN,

I have had about three users report trouble with AnimNotifies when updating a project from 4.8 to 4.9. However, in 4.9, the AnimNotifies have been fixable one way or another. One way, for instance, is to delete all the AnimNotifies from the AnimSequence or Montage (including the default set) and replacing them with new ones.

Currently I have not been able to recreate this with assets I have access to here. In order for me to report this as an actual bug, I will need a copy of a 4.8 project (preferably with just the assets in question) that the AnimNotifies are known not to work when updating to 4.9. Hence, can you provide me with the 4.8 version of your project?

If you are willing to, you can send your project as a zip file as an attachment here, via Dropbox, or as a private message to me in the .

Thanks for your help in getting this narrowed down.

Hi . First I’d want to see AnimNotifies working again here in 4.8 but that will likely take doing restores from backup and downloading additional engine builds assuming that I can obtain 4.8.0. Unfortunately my net connection is painfully slow at this time so I want to make the effort count.

What you say here is encouraging but doesn’t sync with my experience. As mentioned above, I created a fresh 4.9 project and still didn’t get AnimNotify to work for transition events. What other workarounds are worth a try?

Hi ,

Unless you are pulling from source via Github you will not be able to obtain a copy of 4.8.0. (ie through the Launcher). Focusing on the bug, it appears you are doing everything correctly to test the AnimNotifies for transition events. I followed your steps and, as I mentioned before, was not able to reproduce the issue. Since you said you could not get these to work in a fresh 4.9 project, can you send that file as an attached zip here?

As far as other workarounds, those applied to AnimNotifies that had stopped working in Montages and Animsequences where deleting/then recreating them resolved the issue. I initially thought this was related to those issues but it does not appear that way upon further investigation.

Thanks . The requested sample project [is here][1].


Hi DavidBN,

You had your AnimNotifies with print strings set up in the Event Graph of your Character Blueprint. They need to be set up in the Event Graph of your AnimBlueprint. Cut and paste them there and they will work. -

I can confirm the problem with my testcase is as you state.

In my project the AnimNotifies were moved from the AnimBlueprint during a refactoring effort. They worked for a time after the move in late July as I added and debugged new functions that they call. I now remember thinking how odd is was that the transition AnimNotifies could be moved to the CharacterBP but the notifications I added directly to animations had to remain in the AnimBlueprint.

It should be noted that when adding an action to my CharacterBP (with Context Sensitive enabled) - the transition AnimNotifiy events are incorrectly available while my inter-animation notifies are not - so maybe there is an actual bug to report here. This can be seen in the testcase project.

Hi ,

I’ve entered a bug report for this: JIRA [UE-21287]. If, however, this turns out to be expected behavior, we will update this post with an explanation.

Thanks for the feedback and testcase you have provided.

The developer notes weren’t set to “public.” I have corrected this… The post has now been updated with the following information:

Because this is not destructive, it has been determined that it will not be fixed since an attempt to fix something that is doing no harm may result in creating new issues.

Is there an update on the issue UE-21287? Your issue tracker only says “Won’t Fix” but not why…