Anime in Unreal Engine 5 - BetterLightThanNever

Link to video submission:

Student Submission: (No)

Credits to sourced content:

  • City Park Environment Collection
  • Megascan
  • Dijon Shop 1 [France] - Steam


Here is the rigging of my original character made in 3ds max.

I also modeled and tetxured her in 3ds max. There is no UVs. Just straight albedo colors.

Here is also the scooter model I made in 3ds max.


I really wanted that painted look to go with my anime style.


You can see the little trick when she scroll the images on her phone. I just attached mutiple planes together and I keyframed the translation. The images she is looking at are screenshots of the environment itself.

Here you can have a view from the editor. I really wanted to have an anime look and feel with some 2D painted trees and clouds placed in the environnements.

I drew very simple clouds and put them on a plane. I placed them all around by hand to create a nice composition on that final shot.

Here is the final shot with a great view on the clouds and a stylised lense Flare for the sun that is very common in anime.
I really tried to capture the mood and lighting we see in Japanese anime as well as playing around with different settings like bloom in the post process.


  • Description
    Hi everyone I’m RwanLink, I’m a self taught 3d generalist and filmmaker. I like to play around with different art style in unreal engine and for this project I wanted something stylized. It’s also my first time participating to a challenge like that.
    As a big fan of anime I wanted to show that it is also posible to make anime using Unreal Engine 5 with a bit of creativity. The shots were capped at 24 fps and the character is animated at 12 fps like it’s done in 2D anime. I hope you’ll like it! :slight_smile:
  • Engine version UE5.0.0

I love it!It has the feel of Japanese anime.


Thank you!

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wow this was adorable and so well lit. how did you export audio with your video?

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Thank you! You can export the audio separatly in movie render queue and according to the staff there is an option to have both, the video and audio but I don’t know how to make it work. The staff is aware that there is not much documentation about this and that we may combine that with a post software. That’s what I did.
Here is the link to post where this is discussed

The audio is also in my sequencer so I could use something like OBS to record my screen while playing in the editor if this is needed :slight_smile:


It was such a great challenge and idea Epic Games! Thank you!

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This is so insanely cool, holy crap! I love how the sun in the end delivered an amazing atmosphere to the scene :smiley: I would say other had a better focus on the lighting part of their scene but in production-quality, yours is totaly amazing. Good job!


This is really beautiful! Amazing job


Thank you I really appreciate it!

Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:

This is really amazing. Technically and creatively.
Your work is definitely in the top rankings of this competition.
Very clever work.

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This is amazing! How long do you estimate would it take to create a minute of final product, on average?

Its beautiful. I would love to play a game with this aesthetic

This is awesome!!!