AnimBP: how can i check if an animation is done?

currently i working on a AnimationBP for a character and i stuck on an problem…

i have different idle animations and i use a blend by int to select them but how do i check if the animation is done playing ??

basically i want to play a random idle animation and if the animation played through i want to go out of the state…
every thing is fine, expect the animation check if the animation is done…
is this possible or am i thinking wrong??

i found the time remaining(ratio) note but now i need this for the wall animations do i have to do this for every idle animation the transition to another state?

I had the same issue and after working on it a long time I found the following to be useful…

Firstly: A given mesh can have multiple animations running on it at once. For example maybe you pirate does a sword swing but is also walking, and also has its head facing the target. So that would be 3 animations at the same time, and the walking is looping, and the head look is a constant blend, and the sword swing is a one-shot animation.

So when you ask “Is the animation done?” the answer is not obvious to Unreal.

Second: So, the thing you do is on the attack animation (the one you are interested in) you put an Animation Notify on the timeline of the animation. Lets say the notify is called “SwordSwingDone”.
Then in the Animation Blueprint you will be able to make an event node called AnimEvent_SwordSwingDone (or is it AnimNotify_SwrodSwingDone?)
So in the animation blueprint it will show up as a possible event handler to create. (You must compile first)

And now you know when it is done.

I’m having the same problem, but when I put Anim Notifys they never fire.

That is odd. Did you make a typo on the anim notify callback function name?