Hi again. My newest problem is the A pose my character is stuck in when i do anything to the logic that comes default with this metahuman > Third person skeleton. The control rig and associated nodes came with this AnimBP.
When i plug the default nodes into the output node it works fine. As soon as i plug in the blend by weapontype its stuck in the A pose no matter which weapon i select. Ive done this before successfully but in UE4 and not with that default logic involved. But it should still work, shouldn’t?
Try adding your saved P_AssaultRifle cache to the pistol and SMG pose inputs as well, just to check that your E_WeaponType is correct. Oh yes, and the Control Rig and Default Slot should be at the end of your graph, directly before the output pose.
OK I attached the cached poses to the other inputs. It all worked. Then I removed the cached pose from smg and Pistol and it seems to still work. So that’s weird, but ill take it.
Can you tell me exactly what should get plugged into what for the control rig nodes? I’m not sure how to have it right before the output pose but still have the blend posts by weapontype nodes still attached.
Thank you a whole bunch for helping solve that problem.
No matter what I do the only time the control rig works is when I plug it directly into the output. Can you please tell me exactly how to plug this in so it all works?
And next I need to figure out how to tell the Animbp to set the e_weapinType to the right gun when I’m holding that gun. I appreciate your help.
Sorry for the very late reply; I am on holidays. Please attach your nodes in the following order:
Main States
Blend Poses (E_WeaponType)
Default Slot
Control Rig
To set your E_WeaponType variable, I recommend overriding the ThreadSafeUpdate function. Use a Property Access node that is bound to your corresponding character values to set your AnimBP variable.
Of course, you could just set it from the AnimationBlueprintUpdate event, but that would be less efficient.
I’m sorry I don’t know what you mean :(.
OK so for the first part, it goes main states > into what default pin of blend node? > slot ‘defaultslot’ > control rig > output?
I just don’t know what pin of the blend poses node to plug the main states node into.
And for the 2nd half, I’m not sure how I override the threadsafeupdate, or what that even is.
And for the property access node and the stuff after that I’m lost. What is that going to do/accomplish? Is there a video on specifically this that you know of?
And don’t worry about a late response. I’m just glad you guys respond at all:)
Sorry, just attach the Main States into the default slot of your blend node. Please note that your gun states will require blendspaces for their respective locomotion animations.
I shouldn’t have suggested the ThreadSafeUpdate function, as it can be difficult to use. Just get your character reference variable after your AnimationUpdateEvent, get its weapon type, and set the Animation Blueprint’s E_WeaponType to that value. Hopefully this resolves your problem.
OK so the character doesn’t have a weapon type variable. Pretty sure that’s in the Weapon base. But there’s no weapon base in the animbp. How do you suggest getting the reference?
This seems like it would just override my selection of the weapontype in this animbp. Won’t that not do anything for fixing these nodes since I can already set the weapontype here? Thanks again.
Oh yeah, attaching it as you said didn’t fix it. But I did find a way that SEEMS to work.
I suggest that you store an E_WeaponType variable in your character and set it when you change weapons. You would sync this with your corresponding Animation Blueprint variable after the AnimationUpdateEvent.
As an alternative, you could get the character’s weapon reference from within the animation blueprint and use it to set the E_WeaponType.
Okay but to make the one in my character always equal to the one in my weapon, should I set the one in the character as the one in the weapon by plugging it into the set node? And I guess I’d have to cast to the weapon base BP in the construction script?