AnimBP and More

Step 1: Import model
Step 2: Import animations and select the skeleton of the model you just imported
Step 3: Create an animation blueprint using DinoBlueprintBase_RootBoneName as parent class and your skeleton as target skeleton
Step 4: Open the animation blueprint and delete the nodes that are in the event graph
Step 5:Add the Asset Override Editor by clicking window and selecting it
Step 6: Replace the trike animations with your version of the ones being used there (Example: Trike_Idle=Your creatures Idle animation. Trike_Charge=Your creatures run animation)

Step 7: Go to the Anim Blueprint Editor, Edit defaults and search “Use” then enable the things you’re using (Example:Use aim offset=If your creature has an aim offset you will want to enable this. Use running= If your creature has a run animation which it usually does you will want to enable this
Compile and you’re done with the animation blueprint and now you’re ready for the character blueprint
Step 1: Copy a Character BP of your choosing (You can make your own Character BP but theres no real point in doing so)
Step 2: Replace the mesh and animation blueprint with the ones you just created
Step 3: (Optional) Remove all the sounds of the creature so people don’t think it’s that creature
Step 4: To create an attack you will need to right click on your attack animation and create montage
Open the animation montage and press that magnifying glass icon and in the new window that opens press “Add Slot” name that slot “FullBodySlot”
Once you’ve done that change your creature to that new slot you added

Scroll down to notifies, right click and add “Anim Notify State Custom”

Name it “MeleeSwing”
Now place it around the frames where your creature attacks
Step 5: Open your skeleton and add a new socket to the bone where the attack comes from (For the creature I’m using it’s the Jaw bone)
**Name the socket MeleeSocket1 and move it to the place where the creature would be damaging things from **(AKA the teeth)

Go back to the character blueprint search “Attack animation” and replace those with your creatures animation
**Step 5: add a rider socket (i forgot to say this earlier but whatever)
To add a rider socket you will want to find the bone where the player would be sitting (Example the spine) and add a new socket called “RiderSocket”, and after that rotate it and move it to your liking **