Animator in training

Hello i am an animator and illustrator in training.
I do almost everything from concept to animation.

I work in several medium and is looking to sharpen my skills by showcasing my work for critique and audience.
I hope to achieve a game or a short film worth remembering as a part of a game or maybe a feature film.

Let me know what you think and if you are interested in my content for your game or maybe some short film, let me know ahead
here, via PM or email at

Hoping to maintain weekly consistency!

Maybe you need to post at the Jobs/Looking for talent section :slight_smile:

Heya, Zarkopafilis, i’m not exactly looking for work right now.
Between not very confident and being hasty paranoid perfectionist, i’m looking to be improved and getting some critique on my work.
Thank you for the suggestion though, i’ll be sure to stop by there if i need to.
Meanwhile i checked out your youtube too, i am going through the rachet and clank series as we speak. I am learning unreal too while i am at it.

some quicks. malfunctioned comp, wasted few hours of work.
Looking to make more content and something substantial.

The back right leg on the walking cycle flings badly. Good job by keeping the head in the same place. Also on the lunge-run the front legs have that fling going on as well.

Yes, i agree with you, they are pretty obvious and distracting. Thanks for pointing that out.

I don’t know how to improve that one, lost my steam since i don’t enjoy working with that rig.
Moved on to this new guy, will improve on it another time since it has the look and flexibility although more flawed than the other model…

let me know what you think!