Animations w/ Simulation + Sequencer Problem

Something I’m struggling with is trying to record animation simulations from a blueprint that is using collision physics. As a simple example I created an character blueprint and selected a mesh with a / pre-existing animation.

I noticed that in the viewpoint, the mesh animation will not play if anything in the collision presets has physics (simulations) enabled (just static T pose). However, If go ahead and drop the character in the scene (with query & physics created), it will play the physics simulations correctly in the editor however, if I try to record the result in sequencer, the entire animation goes away and the character bobs around in a static T pose instead.

Any advice appreciated

Finally figured out one of the bodies in the physics asset itself had been set to simulate physics instead of default. Now the blueprint works as expected.

I’m trying to do the same . I don’t understand - if you turn off ‘simulate physics’… then there is no physics in the cinematic. I want to have physics in my cinematic, but I cant figure out how . All the explanations Ive tried to follow seem pretty obtuse and indirect - kind of defeats the purpose of using unreal for quick storyboards.