Hello everyone, I’m responding to this old post because I had a similar issue and I just resolved it. I had an NPC character (Monster_Dog) whose run animation (and any other animation called from the animation bp) was not playing in the packaged build, but played perfectly fine in the Editor. ie. the dog will just glide along without animating the run.
What I did notice though is that the Idle animation was playing perfectly fine, which lead me to believe that the anim_bp was simply not updating the speed and other variables, which was being initialized by the ‘Event Blueprint Update Animation’. So the problem was that for some reason the regular Cast to MonsterDog_BP and Try Get Pawn Owner that we usually use was simply not very happy, so instead of using that, I simply did a ‘Get Actor Of Class’ and connected that to the ‘Event Blueprint Update Animation’, then set all the variables from there and it worked in the packaged build after that